Palm Beach County Food Bank

When Lionmaus Media and Palm Beach County Food Bank approached us about a video project to support the Great Give,  they already knew what the challenge was. And they had a great idea for a video that would meet that challenge head-on. As one of the wealthiest counties in the United States, food insecurity was all-too-often an abstract concept for the audiences that the Food Bank needed to reach. 

PBCFB and Lionmaus had come up with an idea for a video that would move the problem of hunger from the abstract to the immediate. The production process that would deliver that video wasn’t without its challenges.

To capture people’s reactions when they were confronted with the problem of food insecurity in their own community, we decided to film what amounted to a social experiment at a local farmer’s market. On top of all of the challenges that come with filming unscripted events in an outdoor location, our crew and our partners had to manage the technical, legal, and ethical aspects of an unconventional approach.

The video that came out of the process not only performed above expectations as a call-to-action for fundraising during The Great Give—it went global and garnered the attention of media outlets like Huffington Post and The Daily Mail (UK). Well over 100,000 views helped to make the event an impactful one for the Palm Beach County Food Bank.



